Russia Tries Six-Day Workweek to Fight Sanctions

Russia's six-day workweek experiment

In a desperate attempt to cope with the international sanctions imposed on it for its aggressive actions in Ukraine and elsewhere, Russia has launched an experiment to switch to a six-day workweek, starting from February 1. The government claims that the decision is aimed at increasing the economic output and resilience of the country, and that it has nothing to do with the low popularity of President Putin.

The Russian leadership also promises that the workers will be rewarded for their extra efforts, and that they will receive more bonuses, holidays, and patriotic medals. Meanwhile, the authorities deny that the move is intended to distract the people from the rising inflation, poverty, and corruption, and that they respect the labor rights and well-being of the workers.

However, the move has sparked outrage and discontent among the workers, who have already been suffering from the low wages, long hours, and poor conditions. They accuse the government of exploiting them and violating the labor laws, and of trying to silence the dissent and opposition. Most doubt that the move will have any positive effect on the economy, and that it will only worsen the social and political situation in the country.