Hungarian Minister's Bicycle Commute

Hungarian Transport Minister’s New Two-Wheel Policy

In an unexpected twist of fiscal frugality, Hungary’s Minister of Transport has revealed that he’s been pedaling to parliament due to a budgetary blunder that left no room for his official car expenses. “It’s all…

Vatican's Stance on AI

Vatican Labels AI ‘Heavenly Useless’

In a divine declaration that has sent ripples through Silicon Valley, the Vatican has officially deemed Artificial Intelligence (AI) as ‘utterly useless’ for humanity. “We’ve consulted the highest authority, and even the angels are baffled,”…

Esports Olympic Debut

Esports Joins the Olympics

In a historic decision that has traditional athletes double-clicking in disbelief, the International Olympic Committee has announced the inclusion of esports as an official event. Starting next summer, athletes will be swapping their running shoes…

Revival of the Warsaw Pact

Russia Nostalgic for Warsaw Pact

In a bold throwback move, Russia has reportedly demanded the reestablishment of the Warsaw Pact, the Cold War-era military alliance. “We miss the good old days,” a Kremlin spokesperson nostalgically stated, while dusting off an…

North Korea's Military Scooter

Kim Jong-Un Test Drives North Korea’s Latest Military Scooter

North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-Un, has reportedly taken the nation’s latest military innovation for a spin: a scooter. State media hailed the event as a “revolutionary advancement in rapid personal transportation technology.” Witnesses say Kim…

Angelina Jolie's cinematic self-portrayal

Jolie to Star in Her Own Life Story

In what critics are calling the role of a lifetime, Angelina Jolie has announced plans to direct and star in a film about her own life. The film, tentatively titled “Being Jolie,” will explore the…

Homemaker to General Promotion

From Homemaker to Four-Star General

In a bold move that has left military analysts scratching their heads, the Speaker of the Polish Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, has promoted his wife to the rank of a four-star general. The promotion, which took…

Bitcoin's negative value disaster

Bitcoin Plunges Below Zero

In a shocking turn of events, Bitcoin, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, has fallen to a negative value, meaning that investors now have to pay money to crypto exchanges to get rid of their Bitcoins….

US troop withdrawal from Europe

US to pull out troops from Europe

The US government has secretly decided to withdraw a significant portion of its troops, approximately 60,000, from Europe and relocate them to Canada as part of a new strategy aimed at de-escalating tensions with Russia….