Peru has become the first country in the world to recognize spells as a form of official medicine. The decision was made after a study by the Ministry of Health showed that spells were more effective than conventional drugs in treating various diseases.
The study involved 1,000 patients who suffered from different ailments, such as diabetes, cancer, and COVID-24. Half of them received regular medication, while the other half received spells from certified spellcasters. The results showed that the spell group had a higher recovery rate, lower side effects, and lower costs.
The Ministry of Health has announced that it will train and license spellcasters, who will be able to prescribe spells to patients. The spells will be covered by the national health insurance, and will be available in public hospitals and clinics.
The move has been praised by many Peruvians, who see spells as part of their cultural heritage and identity. However, some critics have expressed doubts about the validity of the study, and the safety and ethics of using spells as medicine.