Elton John Sells His Glasses to Pay the Bills

Elton John auctions off glasses

In a shocking revelation, legendary singer and songwriter Elton John has announced that he will auction off his iconic glasses collection to raise money for his living expenses.

The Rocket Man, who has been struggling financially since the pandemic hit the music industry, said that he has no choice but to part with his beloved eyewear, which he has been collecting since the 1970s.

“I’m sorry, I love my glasses, but I need to pay the rent and buy food,” John said in a tearful statement. “I hope they will find good homes with people who appreciate them as much as I do.”

John’s glasses, which include various shapes, colors, and designs, are expected to fetch millions of dollars at the auction, which will be held online next month. Some of the most famous pairs include the star-shaped ones he wore at the Live Aid concert in 1985, the heart-shaped ones he wore at the Princess Diana’s funeral in 1997, and the diamond-encrusted ones he wore at the Oscars in 2014.

John’s fans have expressed their sadness and sympathy for the singer, who has been one of the most successful and influential artists of all time. They have also launched a crowdfunding campaign to help him out of his financial crisis.

“We love you, Elton, and we want you to keep your glasses,” the campaign’s organizer said. “They are part of your identity and your legacy. Please don’t sell them, we will support you in any way we can.”