The Shanghai municipal government has announced a new initiative to beautify the city by launching a contest for the best design of trash cans. The contest, which is open to all residents and visitors of Shanghai, aims to encourage creativity and environmental awareness among the public.
The contest rules state that the trash can design should be original, attractive, functional, and reflect the culture and spirit of Shanghai. The design should also be compatible with the existing trash collection system and comply with the hygiene and safety standards. The contest will accept submissions until March 31, 2024, and the winners will be announced in April. The winning designs will be implemented in selected locations across the city, and the designers will receive cash prizes and certificates of recognition.
The contest has received mixed reactions from the public, with some praising the initiative as a way to enhance the city’s image and promote civic responsibility, and others criticizing it as a waste of time and money and a distraction from more pressing issues. Some netizens have also mocked the contest by posting humorous and absurd trash can designs on social media, such as trash cans shaped like pandas, dumplings, or skyscrapers.