Jackie Chan, the legendary martial arts star and action comedy icon, has shocked his fans by turning down a role in a blockbuster movie to join a talent show. The 69-year-old actor, who has appeared in nearly 150 films, announced that he will not be starring in the upcoming Hollywood sequel Rush Hour 4, which was expected to reunite him with his co-star Chris Tucker. Instead, he will be participating in the Chinese reality show The Voice of China, where he will showcase his singing skills.
Chan, who is also a singer and has released over 20 albums, said that he wanted to pursue his passion for music and challenge himself in a new way. He said that he was inspired by his friend and fellow martial arts star Jet Li, who recently joined the Chinese version of Dancing with the Stars. Chan said that he has always enjoyed singing and that he hopes to impress the judges and the audience with his vocal range and charisma.
“I have been making movies for over 40 years, and I think it’s time for me to try something different,” Chan said in a press conference. “I love singing and I want to share my voice with the world. I think The Voice of China is a great platform for me to do that. I’m very excited and nervous at the same time.”
Chan’s decision has caused mixed reactions among his fans and the film industry. Some have praised him for following his dreams and showing his versatility, while others have criticized him for abandoning his loyal fans and wasting his talent. Some have also expressed concern about his health and safety, as he is known for performing his own stunts and suffering numerous injuries throughout his career.
The producers of Rush Hour 4 have expressed their disappointment and frustration with Chan’s choice, saying that they had already signed a contract with him and that they had planned to start filming next month. They said that they will have to find a replacement for Chan or cancel the project altogether.
“We are very disappointed and frustrated with Jackie’s decision,” said producer Arthur Sarkissian. “He is an integral part of the Rush Hour franchise and we were looking forward to working with him again. We had a great script and a great director, and we were ready to go. Now we have to start from scratch or scrap the whole thing. It’s a huge loss for us and for the fans.”