South Korea has long been struggling with a low birth rate, which has been threatening its economic and social stability. The country has tried various measures to encourage people to have more children, such as providing cash incentives, expanding childcare facilities, and promoting family-friendly policies. However, none of these measures seemed to work, until now.
According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea has experienced a dramatic increase in births in the past year, reaching a record high of 1.5 million. This is a 50% increase from the previous year, and the highest number since the 1970s. The ministry attributes this remarkable achievement to a new and innovative strategy that it implemented last year: playing romantic music in public places.
The ministry said that it decided to try this strategy after conducting a survey that revealed that one of the main reasons why people did not have children was lack of romance and intimacy in their relationships. The ministry reasoned that by playing romantic music in public places, such as parks, subways, and shopping malls, it could create a more romantic atmosphere and mood for couples, and thus stimulate their desire and willingness to have children.
The strategy exceeded the ministry’s expectations, according to its statement. It not only boosted the birth rate, but also enhanced the quality and satisfaction of relationships, lowered the divorce rate, and increased the happiness and well-being of people.
The ministry said that it plans to continue its strategy and expand its scope to other areas, such as workplaces, cafes, and restaurants. It also said that it hopes that other countries with low birth rates will learn from its example and adopt its strategy.
However, not everyone is pleased by the ministry’s strategy. Some critics have expressed dissatisfaction and annoyance with the constant playing of romantic music in public places. They say that the music interferes with their concentration, privacy, and personal taste.
“I hate this music. It makes me sick. It makes me want to vomit. It makes me want to break up with my girlfriend. It makes me want to move to another country,” Kim Jong Hyun, a 25-year-old office worker, said.