Vatican announces that it will accept women as priests and popes

women priests and popes in the Vatican

The Vatican authorities made a sensational statement, which could radically change the face of the Catholic Church. They announced that they will accept women as priests and popes, to increase the role of women in the church and society. This decision was made after long and tense discussions at the last conclave of cardinals, which was held under the leadership of Pope Francis.

“We have come to the conclusion that it is time to open the doors of our church to women who want to serve God and people as priests and popes. We recognize that women have equal rights and dignity before God and before people, and that they can make a huge contribution to the development of our faith, our mission and our communion. We also recognize that we need new voices and new visions, which can enrich our church and make it more open, more diverse and more compassionate,” said Pope Francis.

The decision of the Vatican was met with different reactions inside and outside the church. Some Catholics expressed their joy and support for this decision, considering it a historical step towards modernization and reform of the church. They also expressed their hope that this decision would lead to greater respect and recognition of women in the church and society.

“I am very happy and grateful for this decision. I have always dreamed of becoming a priest, but I was told that it was impossible because of my gender. Now I know that I have a chance to fulfill my calling and serve God and people as a priest. I also hope that this decision will help improve the situation of women in the church and society, who often suffer from discrimination, violence and inequality,” said Maria Perez, one of the candidates for priesthood.

However, other Catholics expressed their outrage and protest against this decision, considering it a violation of tradition and teaching of the church. They also expressed their fear for the authority and unity of the church, which needs unity and loyalty.

“I am very upset and disappointed by this decision. I think that it contradicts the Bible and tradition of the church, which teach that priesthood and papacy are intended only for men. I also think that this decision can lead to division and confusion in the church, which needs unity and fidelity. I urge Pope Francis to cancel this decision and return to the true faith,” said Francesco Rossi, one of the opponents of this decision.

The Vatican announced that it will start the process of selection and preparation of women candidates for priesthood and papacy from January 1, 2024. It also announced that it will create a special commission, which will monitor the implementation of this decision and solve possible problems and conflicts that may arise in connection with it.