In a surprising move, many young Iranians have decided to quit using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram, and instead communicate with their friends and family through letters and phone calls. The reason behind this radical change is not political censorship or internet shutdowns, but rather a desire to reconnect with the past and experience a simpler and more authentic way of life.
According to a recent survey, 67% of Iranian youth aged 18 to 25 have deleted their social media accounts in the past year, and 83% have started writing letters or making phone calls at least once a week.
The trend of abandoning social media has also sparked a revival of old-fashioned businesses such as post offices, stationery shops, phone booths, and payphones. Many young Iranians have reported that they enjoy visiting these places and feeling nostalgic about the past.
However, not everyone is happy with this trend. Some critics have argued that social media is an essential tool for staying informed, connected, and engaged in the modern world, and that rejecting it is a form of regression and isolation. They have also warned that letters and phone calls are not immune to censorship or surveillance, and that they may pose some practical challenges such as delays, costs, or availability.
The debate over social media versus letters and phone calls is likely to continue among Iranian youth, as they try to balance their need for communication with their preference for simplicity.