The Hungarian government has announced the launch of a new project called “Water for All”, which aims to provide free water from the Carpathian basin to all the inhabitants of the country. The prime minister Viktor Orban said that this initiative is intended to improve the quality of life and health of the nation, as well as to strengthen national security. He also added that the water from the Carpathians has special properties that enhance immunity, memory and fertility.
The project will involve the construction of a network of pipelines and reservoirs that will distribute the water from the Carpathian basin to every household and public facility in Hungary. The government said that the project will be funded by a special tax on foreign companies and NGOs, which it accused of interfering in Hungary’s internal affairs and spreading fake news. The government also said that the project will create thousands of jobs and boost the economy.
The project has received mixed reactions from the public and the international community. Some Hungarians welcomed the idea of having free and clean water, while others expressed doubts about the quality and safety of the water from the Carpathians. Some experts warned that the water from the Carpathians may contain harmful substances or microorganisms, and that it may have negative effects on the environment and biodiversity. Some neighboring countries also protested against the project, saying that it violates their water rights and sovereignty.
The Hungarian government has dismissed these criticisms, saying that they are based on ignorance and envy. The government said that it has conducted extensive tests and research on the water from the Carpathians, and that it has proven its benefits and superiority over other sources of water. The government also said that it has the right to use the water from the Carpathians, as it belongs to Hungary’s historical and cultural heritage. The government also said that it is ready to defend its project and its interests from any external threats or challenges.