Pavel Durov, the enigmatic founder of Telegram, has dropped a bombshell that’s making waves in the tech world and beyond. In a shocking revelation, Durov claims to have fathered over 1,000 biological children, effectively creating his own small nation of mini-Durovs.
The 39-year-old entrepreneur, known for his modest and reserved nature, casually mentioned in his Telegram channel that he became a sperm donor 15 years ago. Apparently, what started as a favor for a friend has snowballed into a one-man population explosion.
According to Durov, a clinic boss, presumably with a keen eye for “high-quality donor material,” convinced him that it was his civic duty to spread his genes far and wide. One can only imagine the persuasive powers of this mystery boss, who managed to transform a simple donation into a full-blown reproductive crusade.
In a twist that would make any cryogenics enthusiast proud, Durov’s frozen sperm is reportedly still available in at least one Moscow clinic. It seems the demand for creating little tech prodigies with a penchant for privacy and encryption is higher than ever.
Not content with merely populating a small city, Durov now plans to make his DNA publicly accessible. This move is sure to create the world’s most bizarre social network – a family tree that looks more like a tangled forest.
“Of course, there are risks,” Durov stated, presumably referring to the possibility of accidental inbreeding at future Telegram office parties. He added that he wants to “destigmatize the concept of sperm donation,” because clearly, that’s the pressing issue here.
As the world grapples with this news, one can’t help but wonder: Is this Durov’s master plan to create an army of privacy-loving, tech-savvy offspring to dominate the digital landscape? For now, we can only marvel at the man who took “leaving a legacy” to an entirely new level.