In a shocking announcement, former bodybuilder and action movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed that he has abandoned his beloved weightlifting and has taken up yoga instead. The actor cited the need to maintain his flexibility and mobility as the reason for the switch.
“I realized that I was getting too bulky and it was affecting my range of motion,” Schwarzenegger said in a recent interview. “I wanted to focus on my flexibility and stay limber, so I decided to switch to yoga.”
Schwarzenegger’s new routine reportedly includes daily sessions of vinyasa flow and power yoga, and he has even started incorporating meditation into his daily routine.
“I feel like a new man,” he said. “Yoga has opened up a whole new world for me. I never realized how much tension I was holding in my body until I started practicing regularly.”
While some fans of Schwarzenegger’s iconic action movies have expressed disappointment over his new fitness regime, others have praised him for embracing a healthier, more holistic lifestyle.
“I think it’s great that Arnold is trying new things and taking care of himself,” said one fan on social media. “He’s an inspiration to so many people, and if he can do it, anyone can.”
As for whether Schwarzenegger will return to the weight room anytime soon, he remained non-committal.
“I never say never,” he said with a smile. “But for now, it’s all about the flexibility.”